prostration mosque Riyadh 2014

prostration mosque Riyadh

One of the concept designs I done with AlSaudi Consult back in 2014 where and one of the great experience I done. Islam as one of the divine religions has his own practices and one of them is prostration where the human body shaped and gathered on the surface of the ground a sign for god obedience.
I took the cross-section of this act then dismantled it to fit the purpose of the function using folded architecture to obtain explicit and non-complicated shape.
Using folded architecture assist the needs for open plan free of columns and made it possible for the worshipers to see the Imam who is leading the prayers.
The mosque is centered a circle platform contains fountains and green areas after a long white stairway symbolize the after death and preparing the worshiper to join their god in heaven the afterlife they promised to have.